Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

I thought that I would start off by sharing one of my favorite dessert recipes for this time of the year. This recipe is always a hit with anyone who tries these cookies. I recently baked up a large batch and brought them to a halloween party we had a work. Not to toot my own horn, but several of my coworkers told me they were the best thing at the party. I can't say I disagree. These cookies are just amazing!

I did change the recipe a bit this time around. Usually I follow this recipe from Popsugar, but since my fiance and I are trying to cut back on sugar as much as possible, we used agave in place of the white sugar. Next time I think we will experiment with whole wheat flower. We don't like when things are too sweet either, so with the agave substitution, we only used about 2/3 of the sweetener it calls for.

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